On a cold winter’s night by Hilary Ygson

On a Cold Winter’s Night is a Christmas hymn composed for an SATB choir in solfa notation sheet.

On a cold winter’s night solfa music sheet

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1. On a cold winter’s night while the shepherds watch their flocks, then glory shone around them, as the Angel proclaim good tidings from the lord, and there hearts were filled with great joy.

2.On a cold winter’s night in a manger there he was, in Bethlehem of Judea,
So they went as they were told, as they saw the new born king then their hearts were filled with great joy.

3.On a cold winter’s night singing praises to the lord , everything was just amazing,
What they’ve seen and also heard was the same as they as they were told and their hearts were filled with great joy.

4. On a cold winter’s night on that very special night, Angels sang and people respond,
On this very special night we have joined the joyful cheer to sing glory to our new king.

Greater joy oh Christmas always brings to our heart and our hearts are filled with songs of joy, glory to the new born king.

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  • Faith
    December 14, 2020 at 9:58 am Reply

    Can I get Igbo Christmas songs

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